Monday, August 30, 2010

Poor Jesus

Okay, so out on the web there are several gathering places for Mormons. Conservative Mormons, Liberal Mormons, Writing Women Mormons, Feminist Mormons, Smarter-Than-You Mormons, Average get the point.

Anyway...this one left me laughing so hard. The comments are the best.

Thursday Afternoon Spiritual Artwork Poll at BCC.

(when you read it you'll get my title for this post.)


  1. oh man. I was reading the comments people wrote. I was laughing pretty hard. thanks for sharing and yes, poor jesus.

  2. Makes our Del Parsons Jesus (which you have on your sidebar) all the more welcome, doesn't it?

    Why can't we Mormons hold to the old masters and be satisfied with plump, pale Jesuses from the Renaissance -- Blue Steel Jesus and Billy Ray Cyrus Jesus are just too much. It's unfortunate that they're being produced by a Mormon.

    Great blog! I came across it from a link on Ardis' Keepapitchinin sideblog. I thought it was funny that you categorized Times and Seasons as a blog for Liberal Mormons though! I think they think they're conservatives.

  3. No kidding! it's so embarrassing! And as far as T&S I think they need to go ahead and change their name to the anti-glenn beck blog and get it over with!

    I do love Ardis and her site!


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